Friday, January 21, 2011

Picture of This Day

Yep, another reading picture. I got this shot this morning as I prepared his lunch before school. He was so into this book that he completely tuned out all adult voices. I had to ask him many times to put on his shoes. That's okay, I like seeing this.

I mentioned in this other recent post about him reading that he got an extra book from the library because he felt he had fallen behind. It was a nice little simple thing. We went to school Thursday morning and he wanted to walk right into the library to return his book. Usually first graders just put their return books in a bin in the first grade classroom, and they can only get one book a week. I came to find out later from Wendy that in some cases the library makes exceptions.

We walked into the library to find it empty. So we turned around and headed out, only to be stopped by Miss Heidi, the librarian, from across the sidewalk. "Are you looking for me?" she asked. Then she noticed Kiernan. "Oh, Kiernan. That's right, I promised you I'd be here. Come back in!"

She let him get a new book before school and said to him, "And if you want to bring that one back and get another one tomorrow, that's fine too."

Beautiful.'s a bonus pic from this morning:

There it is folks: The Reader's Frown. Passed down from his wonderful mom. Passed to her from hers.

Again. Beautiful.

January 21, 2011


Aunt Amy said...

Aunt Amy shares the same gene.

Travel Pig said...

huh? I don't frown when reading.

I'm concentrating. Not frowning. No.

xtien said...

Photographic evidence to follow.
