Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Creeping Kid

Ten days from now, my son Kiernan will be ten months old. It is high time I found a way to let his family and friends know about his day to day world. Hence…this.

I will post pictures and stories from the Adventures of Kiernan as often as possible, keeping you folks up to date while trying to fold in the goings on of the first ten months. In this way I hope to include you all in the life of my son in a more immediate way. I hate the phone (which explains the almost absurd infrequency of my phone calls); I have only sporadic time for e-mails (Kiernan has his own ideas of how a keyboard should be used); and, while I love writing them, I am woefully behind in my letter writing (I hid my good pens from the boy…and, as it turns out, from myself).

So, welcome. Hope you enjoy the ride as I (and my lovely wife) seek to raise our own little Calvin.


Anonymous said...

You are going to have to change the name to the walking kid in no time. Love, Dad (I got him over to the computer!)

Anonymous said...

How about, "The Unstoppable Kid", like a superhero!! Daniel

Grance said...

You are the coolest blogger I have ever read.