Saturday, January 08, 2011


Weird, borderline creepy pic?  Perhaps.  Out of context.  He took this of himself with his own camera when we were up at Big Bear.  He gave his cousin Dorian a camera for Christmas, and both of them broke out their cameras and went nuts taking pictures.  He loves taking pictures with that camera.

The real point of this post,however, is to talk about Lego projects, and what lessons I'm learning as I watch him work with his new toys.  Simply extraordinary.

Last night was Wendy's book club.  She has this every six weeks or so.  It rotates from house to house.  This Friday book club was at our house.  We were in a minor frenzy as we prepared for the gathering, and Kiernan was in top form.  Entertaining himself and being mostly understanding of the fact that we could not give him attention.  He relegated himself to his room to work on various projects as we readied the house for the arrival of Wendy's book friends.  Once the guests were settled and laughing comfortably in front of the fire, I joined him in his room to ready him for bed.

He was finishing his dinner in his room as he quietly worked on one of the Lego sets he received at Christmas.  These sets are truly amazing.  Far more intricate than I would have imagined.  This one, a gift from Nana and Pop, has more than eleven hundred pieces.  Kind of makes my mind spin.  Yet there he was, in the center of his room, working his way through the directions.

I came in and sat down.

"Hi Dad.  Want to help me with this?"


It was such a revelation.  I don't know quite how to express it.  Watching him there, looking through all those pieces.  Consulting the manual.  Carefully snicking together the pieces.

I watched him doing it.  Occasionally helping him find the odd piece he was having trouble finding.  And I realized I was watching my boy learn and grow right before my eyes.  There he was carefully fitting together these tiny pieces.  Working out problems.  Exhibiting patience.  I was seeing it happen, right before my eyes.

Sitting there with him in his room.  Watching him concentrate.  Watching him focus.  Seeing him, right there before me, learning to be patient.

Man. Being a parent is just the best thing ever.


Aunt Amy said...


Wendy/Mom said...

my eyes are watering. nice post, babe. and many thanks for helping me have such a great book club! My boys are incredible.