Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Picture For This Day

Soccer with the boys at yesterday's playdate.

Julie, Matt and Jon's mom, brought along soccer balls and a couple of portable goals.  Kiernan took one look at all of this and gazed longingly beyond the fence at the play structures therein.  I gestured to the kids kicking the ball.

"I don't want to play soccer," he said to me, matter-of-factly.  "I want to play on the play structure."

Fine with me.  He shed his shoes and socks and headed into the fenced area and had a blast.  As it turned out, most of the kids did the same, eshewing soccer for running about in the sand, climbing, going down slides, and randomly tackling one another.  The portable goals joined us for a time, and then they were dragged back out to the grass as a couple of kids decided to play soccer again.  Kiernan showed no interest in that.

Until I said it was time to go and started to gather our things.

"I want to play soccer now," he informed me, as he put on his socks and shoes.

You don't say.

Balboa Park: Encino, CA
January 4, 2011


Aunt Amy said...

"But....just 5 more minutes!!!" I remember this being my mantra for years. Any dilatory tactic necessary, Kiernan. Good for you.

xtien said...

Dilatory? What does this have to do with going to the bathroom?

What a weird thing to say, Aunt


Aunt Amy said...

Not weird at all! You describe him as not wanting to play soccer...until it was time to go. Then, he employed a dilatory strategy of now wanting to play soccer to delay having to go home. Nothing esq. about it, dude!