Monday, January 17, 2011

Picture For This Day

I love catching him at play. I apologize for the poor quality of this picture, but I had to totally stealth it. If Kiernan sees me taking the pic, he'll duck.

Here he is with his friend William during Sunday's playdate.  I like this because it reveals a couple of things to me. He is so proud of his Lego projects. He's showing a couple of them off to his friend. More to the point, he's cool with them as toys. This is huge to me. For to me these Lego set constructions seem impossibly fragile. Whenever he touches one of them when he is around Mom or Dad, pieces fly off and crying ensues. But with his friends...apparently anything goes. Look at his face. Do you detect even a hint of concern? No, neither do I.

So I'm happy he is proud of his Lego projects. I'm happy he is cool with playing with said projects. And I realize I'm totally getting played every time there is a Lego "disaster" when it's just me or Mom in the room.

My boy. So much smarter than his dad.

January 16, 2011

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