Saturday, January 15, 2011

Picture of This Day

Kiernan with his new robot friend from Burger King during his day playing with his super fun sitter, Nicole.  His folks were out on a date.  Seeing The Green Hornet.

Sorry kiddo, your folks need some time to do adult things. Like going out to a stupid comic book movie.

To be fair, we did go to a very grown-up place for our late lunch. It was a French Crapperie.  Um...that is how you spell it, right?

January 15, 2011


Wendy/Mom said...

First of all, Green Hornet was fun & silly, not stupid. And yes, I critiqued it as "fun" and I'm ok with at. Second,it was a Creperie, not Crapperie. And you loved the food so stop with the disparaging comments, my love. And you neglected to mention that we stopped at Lowe's on the way home, thereby being productive. HA!

xtien said...

Your exact quote when we left the film was, " you can quote me on the podcast, 'It was fun and stupid'!"

I'll let you see the transcript of the conversation if you like. So ha!


Amy said...

This odd exchange still makes me miss date night.