Sunday, January 09, 2011

Picture of This Day

We got back from the grocery store today and I started putting away the fridge stuff.  Kiernan went to the door and looked out, watching the kids playing across the street.  I started a mental countdown.

"Daddy?  Can I go out and play with Haven and Gustavo?"

I thought about all the stuff that still needed to be done today, and how monitoring him outside would get in the way of those things.  Then I remembered living in Churchland, VA.  Way back when.  Around third grade or so.  Going out and playing in the neighborhood with my friends.  One of them I remember, a boy a couple years older than I was with a name like Robert Burton or something like that.  Not a bad kid, but not the greatest influence.  And Mom knew that.  But she also trusted me to go out and play in the neighborhood and not lose myself.

I also remember how much joy was contained in those days.  Running around the neighborhood.  Goofing around.  Learning bad words.  Getting hit in the head with a baseball bat...Good times.


Shoes and socks and out the door.  Hours of play ensued.

January 9, 2011


Aunt Amy said...

Not so sure about this one. rases

wendy/Mom said...


JoAnne said...

it's hard to give up your to-do list, but hours racing on the sidewalks with friends are so precious.

good for you!


PS- my word verification: recesse! (that's recess with a silent e)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think I typed the word verification twice.