Monday, January 17, 2011

Picture of This Day

This holiday weekend was just an embarrassment of playdate riches. We had two today, alone. Alas, the second one featured tardiness.  Here he is on the front lawn, waiting for his pal Jonah.

Don't worry. Jonah arrived in due time, and much hilarity ensued.

January 17, 2011


Amy said...

This reminds me of my sweet 16 birthday. I waited and waited. In my case, however, no one came. It seems I had inadvertently put the next weekend's date on the invitation. It was a sad day but I was thankful it was an error and I wasn't just a loser that no one liked.

Travel Pig said...

Really, Ames???? I had no idea about that! Wow. Explains a lot.

In this situation though, I was VERY happy Jonah showed up cuz we had another playdate a while ago where the kid never showed. They just forgot. K was dismayed!! (and his mom was TICKED)