Sunday, January 02, 2011

Picture For This Day

Playing this weird pig tossing game with his Grance, during our recent vacation.  I love his air of concentration here.  I also have to say that I love that Rance was successful in getting Kiernan into this game.  That just makes me happy.

December 2010
Big Bear, CA


Anonymous said...

Do you get certain points for how the pig lands? If so, we have that game also! Great game! Sandi

Grance said...

The game is called "toss the pig" and Kiernan quickly mastered it. You can see my grandfatherly pride in his prowess at it! What a great time together. Kiernan also inherited his prowess with a snowball from his Dad, and both found me an easy target. fun, but not fair!!!

xtien said...

All's fair in pigs and snow.

Next time I'm teaching him flanking maneuvers. :)
