Friday, February 27, 2009

Picture of This Day

I'm usually a little shy about posting pictures like this...potty moments. But this was a great little moment, and the picture reminded me of a shot my brother-in-law Mitch took last year. I'll dig that out and post it tomorrow, hopefully. I'm sure I'll be required to remove and shred these images well before teenager time rolls around.

I like this picture for a couple reasons. There's the obvious. It just looks sweet. A moment before afternoon nap time. But I also love it because of what Pap-Pap is actually talking about. He's telling a story. Kiernan and Pap-Pap have created a new story construct during this visit. The story involves three cats and their adventures. Our cat Cali and her new fictional cousins, Smelly Cat and Belly Cat.

I love stuff like this.

February 27, 2009

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