Wednesday, February 18, 2009

One More Thing from Today...

A little bonus post.

This morning as I got Kiernan ready for school while he was finishing his breakfast I had a real Doofus Dad Moment. I can laugh about it now.

He's been on a real toast kick of late. Perhaps this is related to the A.T.B. (Awesome Toast Breakfast) we had during our visit with Mitch, JoAnne and Dorian in Oakland recently. Maybe it's just because bread is his favorite food group (after candy). Whatever it is, this morning he had two pieces of toast with cream cheese on them, and asked for another. I steered him to yogurt. Variety. Please.

So he selected the lemon flavored yogurt we'd bought at Trader Joe's. He selected this without me even reminding him what flavors were available. He just knew.

I fed him the yogurt as I got him dressed. He can, of course, feed himself, but I was working against the clock and trying to speed things along. This was, please remember, his third helping of breakfast. Sometimes he nibbles at food in the morning. Today he was on the Hobbit Breakfast Plan. Sheesh.

As I spooned the yogurt in I started playing. I started leaving the spoon stuck in his mouth and pretending I was confused by this. Hey! Where's the spoon? Oh, there it is! That was weird!

That kind of thing. my defense I have to say there was a tiny nagging voice telling me this was idiotic. Telling me, "Hey! No! Don't do that! You're being a moron!" Sadly, this tiny nagging voice was really tiny.

Kiernan grew increasingly amused. I was happy because he was eating his yogurt and I was getting him dressed and everything was coming together beautifully.

Spoonful of yogurt. Into the mouth. Leave the spoon in. Where's the spoon? Hilarious.

You can probably see where this is going.

Kiernan finally burst into laughter. With a mouthful of lemon yogurt. He was standing there as I dressed and fed him, seated cross-legged on the floor before him.

My jeans are in the washing machine right now, and I realize I have only myself to blame.



Anonymous said...

Those doofus moments are always the best memories. Besides, you make a GREAT doofus!! LOTS OF XXOO!! G and G

Anonymous said...

Seriously, ROFL!!!!!