Monday, February 02, 2009

Picture For This Day

Climbing his new bunk bed for the first time. Unbelievable.

February 2, 2009


Anonymous said...

So glad you got a photo of the bunk beds up so everyone can see that WE CAVED!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep. I think if you had asked us a year ago, we would have said that we would NEVER have bunkbeds- too dangerous. But that was before Kiernan actually saw one, got on it, and BEAMED at us, exclaiming that this was "his favorite!!" So now we are the proud owners of a really cool bunkbed/fort/bookcase/monstrosity. Yeah us!

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Everyone needs a bunk bed experience.

Oh and don't worry I fell out of mine a couple times and I turned out ok.

Jeni said...

Leaping lizards - Kiernan has his own bunkbed?!!! Wasn't he just in his crib yesterday? UGH - I'm getting old!!!