Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Picture of This Day

On the road, Day Two of "Mission Shiver", in which we hit all the toy stores in town, trying to find the Planet Hero of Pluto, Shiver. After ten stores in two days he is nowhere to be found. On our way home after not finding a toy Kiernan really, really wants--wants to the point of tears--Kiernan says, "I want to read a book. I want the green one."

In the little net/holding flap on the back of the passenger seat I have a few of Kiernan's books. I grab the green one, which turns out to be a lovely little book called Duck and Goose, about a duck and a goose who mistake a ball they find for an egg they must hatch.

As we make our way home, Kiernan reads this book to himself out loud.


Anonymous said...

Shiver must be rare. I looked online and they wanted to charge $50 for him! The bad guys were comparatively cheap!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we've looked (and had folks look) for Shiver in CA, AZ, VA and on-line. I guess Fisher Price decided he wasn't needed any more (tho Shiver contends that he "is SO a real planet!") Anyway, we will NOT pay $50 for a plastic toy so if anyone sees him at a garage sale or something (he's small, purple and has 3 eyes), pick him up! Otherwise, K will be fine with his umpteen other planet heroes!