Monday, June 23, 2008

Interesting Words

I'm cleaning up my desk tonight and listening to the monitor as Kiernan falls asleep (fingers crossed). I've just come across a pad of paper upon which I scrawled two conversations from a couple of months ago. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I tend to take notes on our conversations with Kiernan. I'm no different than any other parent in that I find the things my boy says and does to be fascinating. Groundbreaking. And brilliant. I am different from many other parents in that I find it necessary to write every one of these things down.

I can kind of already see in my head an image of him as a teenager rolling his eyes about this. Oh well. It's not stopping me.

Anyway, I found this pad of paper. It's from May 12, 2008. In this post and the next I will share these conversations, or rather conversation snippets, with you.

This first one is really kind of out of the blue. I cannot even frame it with context. All I can do is share what I wrote down, on that day in May. So here it is. [As with most of these dialogues, K = Kiernan, and X = me.]

K: Dad, do you like interesting words?

X: Yes. Do you?

K: Yes. Like 'constellation'.

X: I like 'euphemism'.

K: I like 'weird'. Do you?

Again, I have no real context to give you for this conversation. Sorry about that. I share it with you only because I find it incredibly amusing. And I'm just so happy and proud that he loves words so much.

I just love that.


Anonymous said...

I wonder why he loves words so much?
What a sweet little guy...

Anonymous said...

I am so happy YOU love words so much and that you take the time to write all these wonderful conversational snippets down for the rest of us. I love you, Christien. Thank you for these wonderful photos and stories. I HATE that I cannot spend more time with K and have some of these conversations with him myself. I am so grateful to you for helping me not miss out on everything. xoxo Ames

xtien said...

Thanks for this comment, Amy. Thank you for all the comments you just recently posted, actually. I love getting comments here, and it was an especially nice treat to see so many of them waiting for me in my inbox.

I'm happy that reading this blog is so meaningful to you. Comments like that keep me going.
