Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Songish Inquisition

Kiernan and I had a mind-blowing conversation at dinner yesterday. At least for me it was mind-blowing. I'm sure for him it was simply de rigueur.

But this post isn't about that. I'll post later about that conversation, since I took notes on it. Poor kid. His dad loves writing, and he is incredibly articulate...he's in for a life of Daddy taking notes while he speaks. Like he's growing up as the White House Press Secretary or something. Well, except for the little difference that Kiernan tends to tell the truth when he talks.


Anyway, this post is about a couple of other minor, mini-conversations we had yesterday. They both center around songs. They aren't really conversations at all. Just questions he was asking.

The first took place at school. As I've said before, when I pick him up from school we usually hang out for awhile and read a book or two. After reading a book yesterday I was ready to get going, and I said, by way of conveying this, "Okay...time to hit the road, Jack!"

Then as I stood I proceeded to sing the song. I got to the "What you say?" part and the questions started.

"Who said 'What you say'?"

I think I answered that Ray Charles said it.

"Why did he say that?"

I think I said that he was surprised she was asking him to leave.

"Why does he have to leave?"

And on and on.

Later in the evening, for reasons I cannot fathom, I started singing, "Your momma don't dance and your daddy don't rock 'n roll." I really have no idea why. I sing all the time and often am not even aware I am doing it.

After a few minutes Kiernan asked, " you Rock and Roll?"

Great question. I chose to answer in the affirmative. I mean, I don't go out on the town and hit all the clubs. Or...well...any of them actually. I almost never go to concerts. I rarely go to bars. But seriously, after all, I totally rock at the game Rock Band. So I figure that deserves a yes.

Next he asked, "Does Mommy dance?"

That was easy to answer. "Of course. She dances with you."

About half an hour later, out of nowhere, Kiernan asked, "Why do they say, 'your daddy don't rock 'n roll'?"

I thought for a split second before answering.

"They are saying his parents aren't cool. This used to be a concern with parents and kids. Thankfully, for you, it won't be."

With a smile on my face and a heart full of smugness, I went on eating my dinner.

I can't wait to hear what my parents have to say about it.

UPDATE: Something just occurred to me as I reread this entry before sending out the update notification. His question about who said "What you say?" in the song is an interesting one. Keep in mind, I was singing the song; we weren't listening to a recording of it. I was singing it somewhat normally, no funny voices or anything. Yet somehow he still was able to suss out that the question was asked by a different character. I don't know why I find that so fascinating, but suddenly I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. "They are saying his parents aren't cool. This used to be a concern with parents and kids. Thankfully, for you, it won't be."

Are you suggesting in your response that he may be the first in a long line of Hutchinsons, Murawskis, Farrells, etc. who have parents who are cool?

This is from your mother who is nicknamed "the rocker chick."