Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Slideshow Test

Here's a test of one of the slideshow things I'm trying out. This one is a Picasa thing, done by uploading some pictures to Picasa Web Albums. Works okay but it doesn't give me a lot of control. I want something I can have running constantly, on a sort of loop, and maybe with a little better quality. I will be trying a couple of other programs. I know you care deeply about this.

Onto the above pictures.

The first picture is Kiernan with his friend Grace. She's the daughter of Wendy's business partner, who drove over from West Virginia to visit and do a little business while we were in Virginia at my Dad and Sandi's house.

Next is a picture of my current favorite t-shirt. I love that shirt. (Both of these first two pictures are Mason shots.)

The next picture is Kiernan playing ball with his Pap Pap. Next Kiernan striking a pose. Viva La Saturday Night Fever.

Finally there's a picture of me with Kiernan from a few months ago. We're playing this great game called Don't Break The Ice! Kiernan's Nee-Nee gave it to him for Christmas. Of the four "Cootie Games" she gave him, this was the one I was most excited to play.


Anonymous said...

Hey Christien!

The slideshow worked on Safari, but not Firefox.. Just so you know from out her in the world...


xtien said...

Thanks Daniel. I appreciate the feedback.

It actually works on my Firefox (the browser I used to post it), but that's Windows. I haven't tried it on Safari, which just came out for Windows a couple of months ago. I've been wanting to give Safari a spin ever since it came out.

Thanks for the heads up.


Anonymous said...

I don't think K is doing a Saturday Night fever pose; it's clearly a cheerleading pose! I'm sure Daniel will agree that K has real potential! By the way, don't you all agree that Kiernan and Grace are just TOO CUTE together? Kiernan calls her "my West VA girlfriend." Hee hee.