Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Kiernan and Nana Show

Here's another little slideshow test, this one of Kiernan with his Nana. I love these pictures because the two of them are so in sync. I'm kind of addicted to watching the two of them together in these picture, so in step, expression for expression. The set of pictures opens with a picture from my sister Hope's wedding, a shot of her with my stepdad John and my mom. I realize it doesn't go with the theme of Kiernan and Nana, but I couldn't resist, mainly just because I love the picture of my family. My intention is, of course, to post more shots from the event. Stay tuned for more.

In the meantime enjoy this little teaser from the wedding, followed by the Kiernan and Nana show.

I'm betting you all can guess which of the pictures of the two of them is my favorite.


Mitch Tobias said...

Xtien and Kiernan,

I seriously thought the shots were posed. They actually had those expressions at the same time?!!!!

Fantastic. He's a little man. So sorry I could be with you guys in Denver. (I know how Kiernan loves Denver.)


Anonymous said...

Very touching, hon. I hardly know what to say except that it helps seeing these with you all so far away.