Friday, June 13, 2008

Dinner Update

Tonight at dinner we had another cute little word-nerd conversation. It's a shorty, but I thought I'd share it.

Kiernan asked for one of his favorite sandwiches for dinner tonight: Peanut butter and Nutella. He has been on about wanting this for the last couple of days, so even though it basically amounts to giving him a Peanut Butter 'n Candy sandwich for dinner, I acquiesce. I make him a half sandwich of that, as well as a Gammy Special (jelly and cream cheese). I'm happy to have him eat the peanut butter, as his refusal to eat almost all meat has me a bit nervous about protein.

He is well into his pb&nutella when he looks at me thoughtfully and asks, "Daddy, what does 'often' mean?"

After a repeat I answer, "It means frequently."

I can almost detect a hint of sarcastic exasperation as he asks, "What does 'frequently' mean?"

I explain that it basically means 'a lot'.

He takes another bite, thinks for a moment, then says, "Daddy...I want you to make this for me more often."

I'm loving this, but is it any wonder my brain feels fried at the end of the day?


Anonymous said...

By the time you get to 40 years you get used to fried brains. Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Awesome. A thoughtful statesman who orchestrates his thoughts before delivering them.
God, I love this kid. xo