Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Regarding Rance

In doing this picture project I've been working on over the last couple of days (great googaly moogaly but a gigabite's worth of normal everyday snapshots is a lot of pictures) I'm finding so many wonderful pictures of the last few years. Going through years of photos is really quite an experience. It's like going back in time, especially if you view them from recent to not-recent. I recommend folks do this from time to time. It's a nice way to take stock.

So I'll be posting a bunch of these pictures over the next little bit, because I want to share some of this experience with you. Here's another one from today.

This is from February of 2005. Kiernan and Grance sizing each other up, back before the term 'Grance' had even been coined. By me, incidentally. Something of which I am particularly proud and for which I get very little credit. None actually. Astounding. Grandpa + Rance = Grance is on par with Reece's Peanut Butter Cups in terms of great mashups. Better than that, actually, since it is also a portmanteau! Suck it, Hershey's!

Sadly the other cousins call him things like Pop or Peepee or something. Why they do this when the term Grance is utter perfection, I cannot tell you. Nevermind. Just enjoy the picture.


Aunt Amy said...

You're right! I had no idea you coined that! I am pretty sure Wendy has taken all the credit for Grance! It is, truly, perfection. Nice work, yo. But...portman..wha??

Grance said...

I love this shot and had forgotten about it. He may have been sizing me up but I was just enjoying him sitting on my chest. What a great memory for me of a wonderful time in his life, where each moment/time is wonderful!