Sunday, March 13, 2011

Picture of This Day

Sunday spent playing with neighborhood friends. Here he is with Gustavo, one of the boys from across the street. They were so proud of how they'd gotten two of Kiernan's Bionicles to cling to our orange tree that they yelled for me to come out and see them. When I asked if I could take a picture, Kiernan uncharacteristically said yes, and called Gustavo to come back over and pose with him.

March 13, 2011


Wendy/Mom said...

WAY Cool!! I like that Kiernan is sharing his Bionicles with other kids. Good to see. Miss you guys so much right now!

Grance said...

I really love this shot, and not just for the view of your backyard landscaping :)! I love the welcoming smile from the otherwise camera shy K, knowing that it is a big deal for his friend to be included in the shot. i love it for how he fits in so well with such a wide range of people, from old to young, school to neighborhood, waitresses at restaurants to doting grandparents. Wonderful!

Aunt Amy said...

Gustavo. Dammit. I already picked Quinn. Is it too late to change?