Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Picture of This Day

This week at Kiernan's school is Wacky Week in honor of some dude named Theodore Geisel, whoever he is. Anyway, the kids dress up in wacky stuff all week. Yesterday was Wacky Hair day. The day before was Wacky Socks. This day was Wacky Everything Day. So Kiernan went through all his costumes and decided on the above outfit. Allow me to lay it out. His baseball uniform from tee-ball. With cat ears, and his new cowboy boots.

Oh. And his cape. Mustn't forget his cape. Remember that?

His Sandi made that cape for him awhile ago, back when I was telling stories at the dinner table about the Interstellar Intergalactic Super Detectives. I don't care what anybody says, you've gotta respect a kid who wears a cape.

This day would also mark the occasion of the baby shower we all threw for his wonderful teacher. She's leaving us soon. We're happy for her, and sad for us.

March 2, 2011


Mom/Nana said...

How we had to fight with you not to wear your cape to school and that was York High.

xtien said...

Ha! Wendy is still fighting that battle with me every day.
