Sunday, March 06, 2011

The Builder

Yesterday, which was Saturday, Kiernan had a playdate at his friend Tanner's house. It was good for both of us, as it was a drop-off playdate. Good for him because he got to play with friends. Good for me because I got a couple of hours to do some stuff, which I needed since Wendy was in Denver for the weekend doing a birthday visit for her sister (Happy Birthday Amy!).

When we arrived for the playdate, Tanner revealed a couple of new Hero Factory dudes still in their boxes. These are Lego characters kids put together themselves and play with, and Kiernan loves putting them together. It was particularly neat that Tanner had saved opening these new toys for the playdate and that he was cool with sharing construction duties with his friends. Kiernan loves putting these characters (and most Lego sets) together. He loves the challenge.

On the way home from the playdate he asked if we could go to a toy store. He really wanted to build something. I declined for this day, as I had to get ready for a friend's surprise party that evening, but said we could talk about it for tomorrow. No complaints from him, at all.

So, this morning we headed off to the toy store. This time he steered away from the Atlantis Lego sets and headed for the Hero Factory section. I told him I'd buy him one, and if he wanted a second he'd have to use his allowance for that. He went for that deal and we were done in short order. I really like shopping with this kid*. He takes the perfect amount of time. Short time in a store like this. Long time in the most important store: the book store. That always takes me back. Time spent in Waldenbooks with my dad when I was a kid are some pretty great memories.

*It should be noted here that this statement does NOT apply to electronics or hardware stores. In these places he can be insufferable. He lumps those places with the post office, which is to say, "most boring places on Earth".


Aunt Amy said...

He's right. Electronics and hardware stores ARE the most boring places on earth.

xtien said...

How dare you! Hardware stores, maybe. But I will not sit here while you talk smack about Best Buy and pretend that's okay. I will not!


Grance said...

Not to get off the rightful subject of the total enjoyability of fast disappearing book stores and the delight we all take in K's enrapture with them, I must take exception to Best Buy. Susan and I went in one after looking in Fry's for some electronics stuff and were amazed about the inferiority of the choices, products and prices - Fry's is much better. If you must know, we are upgrading our entertainment system with new TV, console, and I insist on getting all my music plugged into it, so wanted an iPod Classic. That, unlike the iPod Touch, does not have all the swiss army knife like apps on it but uses the space to store music,which again is all I really want to do with it. But bottom line is no store still stocks the classic, so I had to order on line. Which is a long way afield from anything to do with K, except that I hope someday to be able to convince him that my music is worth listening to!

xtien said...

I can't really talk down Best Buy since my friend Tommy works there and I want to continue to be invited to Outdoor Movie Night in the summer.

I do love Fry's too. However, Fry's is the kind of store where you better know exactly what you want and be able to find it yourself, because the people who work there are trained to avoid you.

Good luck with the upgrade!