Friday, March 11, 2011

Picture of This Day

Working on his made-up animal during class today, with his friend Tanner providing a coloring assist. This was actually an animal Kiernan created for homework this week, for Tuesday's art assignment. I'll scan his description sheet when I get a chance, because his imagination just floors me.

I was at school today under somewhat sad circumstances. Sad and joyful. Kiernan's amazing and wonderful First Grade teacher is going on maternity leave early, so today was her last day. The kids had a picnic and a few of us had the honor of attending and then being with the class as they did mainly free choice time after lunch. "I don't want to go out giving them a math test," she told me. "So I got that stuff out of the way this morning."

We're certainly happy for her as she and her husband welcome a new member of their family in the coming week. But still, sad for ourselves. We were so lucky to have her this year.

Many of you have met her. Please keep her in your thoughts in the coming days.

March 11, 2011

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