Sunday, March 20, 2011

Picture of This Day

A chill Sunday with his Mom spent working on a school project (the reason for the messy coffee table) and watching movies. He objected to Peter Pan at first because he only wanted to watch his Bionicles video for the seven thousandth time. He further claimed he would not watch Peter Pan when Mom insisted that would be the first feature, followed by the Bionicle video later. Pouting ensued.

Followed by him watching every minute of Peter Pan and loving it, of course. The sight and sound of him laughing with glee as Hook fled from the crocodile was just beautiful.

March 20, 2011

1 comment:

Jeni said...

I love this photo! They look so comfy cozy and snuggly! I wonder if you could take a picture of the picture that's on the wall near the door? It looks cute from what I could see.

Love to you all!