Sunday, January 24, 2010

Video Thanks

Gammy and Grance (Wendy's parents, of course) gave us a great gift this holiday. We got a membership to the San Diego Wild Animal Park and a trip to San Diego. The Wild Animal Park is great, and I cannot wait to go back.

Kiernan loved the trip. He loved it so much that when we were preparing to check out of the hotel he started crying. In fairness to him, it was a great room. A huge suite. What can I say? Wendy knows how to work the upgrades.

The video captures Kiernan having a great time. As per usual, his favorite thing is never what you expect it to be. So much the better.


Aunt Amy said...

THAT IS HYSTERICAL!! LAUGH OUT LOUD FUNNY!!! Excellent commentary while he was running, too; perfectly timed. Neeeeaaaarrr......Faaaaarrrr....! xo I miss you guys!

Grance said...

I am way behind on my checking so just saw this - wonderful! Running downhills is way cool!