Thursday, January 07, 2010

Picture For This Day

On the day after Christmas the girls all go to the spa and then see a chick flick. The boys go to the Arizona Science Center. You make the call.

Here we are, right before it's about to close. Kiernan is working in the middle. Rich is off to the right up there, doing a basketball experiment. And Rance is at the table to the left, trying to figure out the Tower of Hanoi puzzle.

December 26, 2009
Phoenix, AZ


Grance said...

And of the three, K was the most successful. What a great guy day - we don't need no stinkin' spas!

Aunt Amy said...

So now I see what you guys were up to! Very cute! Rich is next to me and said he remembers it well and it was a very fun day!