I realize this is not a good picture, as far as technical quality is concerned. But I love it. Because it helps me tell a story.
This is Kiernan with one of his godfathers, Daniel. This was taken in a dark restaurant on a night when we went out to eat with Kiernan's godparents, Daniel, Darren, and Renee. Late in the meal Kiernan snuck under the table over to the other side of the booth to play with Daniel.
Before the meal, his godparents had given him his Christmas presents. Some of which were figures and spaceships from a certain film franchise we shall refer to as Star Wars.
I use this picture because Kiernan has been talking about these toys ever since. Also, if you look carefully just below the decorative picture that hung over our table, you'll be able to see some figures. I think Obi-Wan Kenobi is up there.
Anyway, the next day at dinner Kiernan kept asking me about the figures. He'd present a figure and ask me what that figure might say. Given that I like movie quotes, I'd oblige. Then Kiernan would start to dissect the quote. Here things got difficult.
Kiernan: Obi-Wan Kenobi. What does he say?
X: Um...The Force will be with you. Always.
Kiernan: What does that mean?
And so on.
I mean seriously. Just for fun think about this. How do you explain "The Force will be with you...Always," to a five-year-old? Ack!
The next morning, as I was getting Kiernan into the car for his first day back at school, he asked me the following question.
"Daddy. Is Star Wars really real?"
I caught my breath. I mean, really. How do I respond to this? All of a sudden I'm at ParentCon 2 and I'm not sure if we're dealing with a Santa Clause level event here or not. How do I respond to this.
I took a deep breath and calmed down.
"What do you think?" I responded.
"I don't know," he said. "What do you think?"
"I wish it was real," I said. Sort of punting.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because it's one of my favorite things."
He thought about this as I secured his seat belt, closed his door, walked around the car, and got into the driver's seat.
"Me too," he said finally. "I want to be Obi-Wan Kenobi...or Admiral Ackbar."
"Admiral Ackbar?" I said laughing. "Why?" There was relief in my laugh.
"Because he says...'It's a trap!'"
That's my boy.
I think the whole Star Wars thing is a trap! See? First you and now Kiernan! At least the names of the characters are easier to spell than most dinosaurs. XO! Gammy
How wonderful you can share your love of Star Wars with your son. That's what it is all about.
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