Friday, January 09, 2009

Earn More Sessions by Sleeving

This is a minor thing, but it tickled me so I'm posting about it.

As I have related in previous posts, dinner time is story time. Kiernan is an extremely picky eater, and one thing that gets him motivated to eat the stuff that's good for him is a story. The story is invariably about the planets, and right now always about the Interstellar Intergalactic Super Detectives working on a case involving the planets.

The stories all have recurring rhetorical flourishes, things I say every time I tell one of these stories. One of these is the phrase "lo and behold". I don't know why I took to using this phrase, but at some point I did, and now it has worked its way into the fabric of the storytelling. It crops up when the investigators discover the culprit they are after. As in, "...and lo and behold, who should they find hiding behind the asteroid? Venus! And there she was, with the very lamp that is missing from our living room!"

The other night I got to that very point in the story, and I was about to ask the usual question. I always pause for suspense, and this time when I paused before the "lo and behold" moment, Kiernan filled it in for me:

"And hold and below?"

'Lo and behold' became 'hold and below' in his interpretation.

And why not, now that I think of it?

I have said this before and I am sure I shall say this many, many times in the future...I just love the way his mind works. I love it.


Anonymous said...

See? He's thinking back to the hole at the bottom of the sea!!.........or he's just saying things backwards like his grandmother frequently does. In any case, he's one entertaining kid! XO! Gammy & Grance

Anonymous said...

Clever title, hon. And I also love how YOUR mind works.