Friday, February 18, 2011

Today in first grader celebrity gossip

As Wendy flossed Kiernan's teeth this evening, she remarked that his longish hair reminded her of one Justin Bieber. Kiernan mumbled something past the fingers in his mouth.

"That's right," his mom replied. "He's on a lot of magazine covers."

Pretty impressive that she was able to decipher that. I myself could not, as I was busy gagging in the background. The two of them continued to discuss Bieber, Kiernan asking if he was the one with the really blonde hair, like his friend Sylas. I have no idea what Wendy's response to this was, as by this time I was actively trying to keep from throwing up. That is, until Kiernan said rather nonchalantly,

"A lot of people think he's a lip singer."

Wendy and I locked eyes.

What? What? We haven't entered a time warp, have we? We're still in first grade here, right?

Wendy patiently tries to untangle the terms "lip singer" and "lip syncing" as I dizzily sit and come to the conclusion, silently, that "lip singer" is a pretty good alternative. I'm considering a patent and a website purchase when I remember we're trying to get our boy ready for bed and I refocus.

"Who told you about this?" I ask, trying not to sound like a member of the Stasi.

"Oh..." he takes a moment to consider, then rattles off a few names of his classmates.

So this is where we are now. Bieber gossip in first grade. Really?

It's funny. It's cute. It's adorable. And still, I want to scream and cry.

Too bad, Dad. Welcome to 2011.


Aunt Amy said...

This was a HUGE LOLer!!!

skfarrell said...

Bieber gossip in 1st grade - girl friend gossip in 2nd. Put that boy back in rompers!! XO!

xtien said...

Yep. I'm with you Susan. He told me today about a rumor about some little kid kissing another little kid.


Home schooling, here we come.


Mom/Nana said...

Just so he doesn't begin talking about tiger blood.

Grance said...

OK, I'll bite - who is Justin Bieber?

xtien said...

Good luck getting Kiernan to like your music someday. :)
