Monday, February 07, 2011

Picture of This Day

This picture, like so many, is going to make sense to but a few. But as we walked to the car after school today, I was just struck how my little boy is becoming something else. He's becoming a dude who wears jeans and walks somewhere. He's not just a little boy somebody looks after. He's that. Yes. And he will be that for a good while to come, thank goodness. But he's becoming something else too. He's becoming a guy.

As we headed to the car this afternoon, he handed off his school backpack to me and ran on ahead. As he does just about every day. But today, as I watched him walk ahead of me, I saw the beginnings of a saunter. And I saw him walking into the future. That's why I snapped this picture.

I love every day. He still cries like a baby when he stubs his toe. Next moment, he walks like a man.

What a weird world is being a parent.

1 comment:

skfarrell said...

WOW! You just really summed up watching as your kids grow up. It's great! It's heart wrenching! It's beautiful! It's confusing! You're in for many more years. Keep up the EXCELLENT work. XO!