Sunday, February 06, 2011

My Electronic Readers

Let me see if I can set the scene.

It's Super Bowl Sunday. Hours before the game, to be sure, but it's shaping up to be a lovely lazy Sunday. One person in the house figures out a way to get out of pajamas into real clothes. That person is dispatched to pick up lunch out in the world. When he returns, he finds the rest of his family snuggled on the reading chair under a favorite blanket...reading. Well, what else is the reading chair for? Makes sense.

The hunter/gatherer serves lunch to the snugglers. Fine. That's good. They are reading. He loves that. Mom is reading her iPad book. Son is reading the magazine his godmother Nee-Nee got him for Christmas. So all is well. This goes on for a time, until hunter/gatherer enters the room again to find both Mom and Son reading from iPad. As it turned out, Son finished with his magazine, and started looking over Mom's shoulder. Luckily Mom was reading something juvenile fiction-y. One of those Lightning Thief books or something, and not that vile tripe she was reading for her book club last week. At any rate, Son had taken interest and had thusly taken exception with Mom's rate of turning pages. I mean, the kid is a great reader, but nobody can read at this woman's rate. Seriously.

So Mom read to Son for awhile. And Son read to Mom in turn. It was sweet, but it wasn't perfect. Mom wanted to read faster, and Son did not want to read out loud anymore.

The above picture shows the compromise. I wish I'd captured the moment before, with the two of them reading side-by-side, but I missed it. Mom reading the book on her iPad. Son, snuggled next to her, reading the same book at his pace on the iPhone.  Both happy as could be under their blanket together.

And both not at all shy about asking hunter/gatherer to refill their drinks. Since he was up anyway. And they were so comfortable and all snuggly.

Ah technology.

1 comment:

Wendy/Mom said...

LMAO! Yup. that's pretty much precisely what happened. BTW hon, would you get me a soda? I'm busy responding to a blog over here.....