Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Picture For This Day

Totally random picture. Kiernan's old preschool has an event called the Harvest Festival every year; this is a major fundraiser for them. Back when Kiernan was a student there we worked the thing. It was great fun. Now that Kiernan has moved on to elementary school we no longer work the festival as volunteers, but we like to attend and show our support.

I took this picture at the 2010 Harvest Festival. Here's Kiernan with his friend Nicholas, with whom he attended preschool and who is now at Kiernan's school attending kindergarten.

I'm not even sure I haven't already posted this picture. I just stumbled across it in going through some files, and it charmed me. So here it is. Maybe again.

Sometime in 2010
Northridge, CA

1 comment:

Aunt Amy said...

It charms me, too.