Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Dopey Link of This Day

I don't ever spam this blog with stupid YouTube junk. But my friend Miriam shared this with me today, and it resonates. As I said in a recent post, it's all superhero stuff around here these days. We played with Jedi powers the other day, when Kiernan insisted we both choose Jedis and do battle. Then yesterday he drew repulsor beams on his hands and he pretended to be Iron Man while I was Wolverine. [Spoiler Alert: Wolverine doesn't fare so well against Iron Man, as it turns out.]

Anyway, here's the YouTube junk:

Do with it what you will. But I beg you, do not use it for evil. That leads to the Dark Side.

P.S. It's actually better, much better, if you view it here, on YouTube, than the embed above. The format of this blog cuts off the frame way too much. And that makes a difference.


Grance said...

I like it! I'll bet Iron Man could start your microwave if you timed it right. But since I've always been a Wisconsin fan, "Go Wolverines"!

xtien said...

Huh. Interesting. I suppose if you could be any superhero, then, it would be Badger?

Look out everybody! Here comes The Badger! Yikes!

Heh. :)
