First here's a picture of his foot:
I have no idea why I took this, much less why I'm posting it. We were watching tv and I decided to take a couple of pictures of him because he's just so freaking beautiful. And then his foot caught my attention. So...voila.
Also...good luck with this...

Last week he started drawing up the names of the people in his life. He would write names and a little message, often accompanied by a picture of jellyfish (he's into marine life too right now). Many of you probably received these in the mail this week.
This is a scan of the one he did for me. He did it on his own while I was getting dinner ready one night. He did this without being prompted in any way. He just all of a sudden approached me with this little note.
It's hard to make out because the scan is crappy and the spelling is inventive and the 's's are backwards. But what it says is, "DADDY IS OSOM".
I think you can figure it out from there. At the bottom he writes, "TO DADDY" but it's hard to see the 'Y' because it's in yellow.
This reminds me of my brother, Mason.
When Mason was just a wee toddler I came to visit my dad and Sandi. They were all excited to show me how Mason could say a new word. After a bit of prompting Mason said it.
Well...that's what I heard anyway. What Sandi and Dad told me he was saying was "trash". He had learned to say the word trash. They were very excited about this. At the time I was pretty unimpressed, and being an arrogant and sarcastic doofus in his early twenties I goofed on this. "Trash? He just said 'tha'!" I doubt I even noticed their reaction.
Of course I get it now. I've thought about this moment often over these four and a half years. And seeing my son express to me in writing that I'm osom brings it back again.
Oh...incidentally...Kiernan thinks Mason is GRAT.
1 comment:
As kids, Rance (now with a capital "G") limited Wendy's and Amy's use of the work "awesome". Leave it to Kiernan to come up with a word he can use anytime for his very special dad! We agree! Gammy & Grance
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