Sunday, June 28, 2009

Someone to Watch Over Me

Kiernan called me in for one last time tonight. I heard him over the monitor calling for a kiss and a hug. How do you refuse that?

I went in and gave him the kiss and the hug and told him I loved him.

"Daddy, will you watch over the house all night long?"

"Yes. I'll watch over the house all night. I'll watch over your room too."

Kiernan: Daddy, you only need to watch the doors. Because they have to get through the doors to get to my room.

X: Okay. I'll watch the doors and listen all night long.

K: But what if the mailman gets in?

X: The mailman? They don't come in the house. And anyway they don't work at night.

K: Why not?

X: They just don't. Besides, they're at home with their family. Looking over their own kids.

K: How does the mailman have kids?

X: They just do. They're people.

K: What do their kids do during the day while they are delivering the mail?

X: Well, either the Mommy or the Daddy...

Yep. It took me that long to realize I was being played. Actually, to be fair, the first question was a sincere one. And so sweet. But past a certain point he did realize he had me on the hook and could keep me in the room for longer if he kept going. He caught on to this far before I did.

Yeah, yeah, I know. He'll only get better at this. That's okay. The knowledge that he looks to me to keep him safe at night makes it worth it.


Wendy/Mom said...

LMAO!!!!!!!!! so nice to know he "hooks" you too!

Mom said...

Who would have thought KMan would be smarter than his parents this soon. It took you a little bit longer.