Gammy was here for a visit last week. It was a quick visit. Kind of a direct action, come to think of it. She dropped in, took care of things, and headed back out. Why? Just because.
She let us know a couple of weeks ago she wanted to visit for a couple of days and goof off with Kiernan. And she did just that. It was a huge help. We got to tackle (or, rather, start to tackle) a major project (cleaning out the garage so we could eliminate the storage unit we rented when we were trying to sell the house last year). Also we got to go out to a movie (The Hangover: weird, funny, vulgar...recommended if you can handle naughty words). She got to play with Kiernan. Kiernan got high-octane Gammy time.
In addition to her work as Gammy, Susan also holds a position as Business Manager with Wendy's consulting company, 2Teach. She's been a huge help in this capacity, doing such things as making travel arrangements and reconciling invoices. Things I'm terrible at and Wendy is just too busy for as a full-time mom and a full-time ed. consultant/professor.
One of the things Gammy did when she was here was take Kiernan shopping. On the occasion of Kiernan's recent oral surgery, Grance and Gammy sent him five dollars. They told him that Gammy would take him shopping for a toy on her next visit. When she was here the two of them went off to Big Lots.
While they were there Gammy taught Kiernan to look at the prices on the toys. She helped him figure out what he could afford for his five dollars, and what he would have to pass up. Apparently he was great at this. He picked up some item of interest. Gammy informed him it was priced at seven dollars. He put it back without comment.
They didn't have a whole lot of luck at Big Lots, which is a store that scares me. It emboddies the term "Bazaar" for me. I don't even know what that term means in reality. Because for me all it means is "scary shopping". The kind of place where if you ask for help finding a specific product the people working there will shrug and then laugh at you.
On their way out, Kiernan found the squids. And that is what he chose to buy with his five dollars. When he showed them to us he identified them as "Marine Squids". He loves marine animals right now...especially sharks.
He loves these squids. How do I know this? He won't go to bed without them.
Good times.
[Pic Notes: The day Gammy had to leave was Trophy Day for Kiernan's tee-ball league. I took Gammy to the airport and Wendy and Kiernan went to pick up potluck items and headed to the ceremony. Beforehand Kiernan agreed to pose for Gammy in his uniform. The Marine Squids had to be present, of course.
The middle picture is a random shot of Kiernan learning to work something called a Bongo Board (I think) with Gammy. This is what happens when you clean out your garage.]
THERE IS A SQUID!!!! XO! m/s/g
Why am I not surprised that Kiernan already grasped the concept of money?
Who taught Gammy the new skill of determining whether something is affordable? Love this posting, which I just saw. Great fun!1
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