Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Sebense of Hub-oh-mo-brrr

On the occasion of Kiernan's birthday party, we had a bouncy house.  Surprise!

In other news, Kiernan shared his birthday party with his friend Teddy, as he did the year before.  Teddy is one of Kiernan's friends, and the shared birthday party was a big success because Teddy's family is supercool...like he is.

Like Kiernan's mom is, too.  She had this great idea of having the two kids choose songs for a cd that would be distributed in gift-bags to the party-goers.  I'm generally a curmudgeon about these party bags.  They're usually filled with crap.  Kids come to a birthday party and leave with a bag of dollar-store crap.  I don't get it.  And I can't stand it.  But it happens at every birthday party so not doing it is impossible.

The compilation cd idea made it great. So props to my amazing wife.

All of this is to say, I've been listening to the cd in my car a lot these days.  I want to make something clear though.  I do not listen to the first track, which is "Party in the USA".  I do not.  Not at all.  And I certainly don't keep replaying it over and over and over again.  Nope.

Moving on...as it turns out, Kiernan's favorite tracks are the ones Teddy chose.  He loves listening to "What's This" from The Nightmare Before Christmas, and singing that with him in the car is...I don't know...transplendent.  The thing I'm most surprised about in the compilation is the inclusion of a Bill Cosby comedy bit about visiting the dentist.  I haven't talked to Teddy or his folks about the inclusion of this.  They are artists.  Actors.  Professional clowns.  That their son already has a love for classic comedy is beautiful.  I love that they included it.  What's most interesting to me is that this track is one of Kiernan's favorites on the cd.  I didn't expect that.

I've been nervous about letting him listen to it.  It paints dentists in a...well, certain light.  A certain stereotypical light.  The word "iron hook" is used.  Pretty sure I don't want to create ugly and painful associations with going to the dentist in my son's brain.  Especially since his dentist is really, really great, and he has no fear of going to her at all.  So far.

Whatever.  Kiernan thinks it's funny.  And I'm kind of loving his reaction to this as a part of his developing sense of humor.  I hear him in the back seat, laughing at Cosby's jokes, and most especially the sound effects.  And I hear him back there aping those sound effects.  The sounds of the patient with a novocained lip.  Kiernan's getting to be an expert at those already.

That's my boy.  Growing up so fast.  Developing a sense of humor.  And working on a repertoir of impressions.

Wow.  Just wow.

Or rather...Wbow.


Susan/Gammy said...

Having attended said birthday party, I earned the take home gift as well and was delighted with the cd as opposed to that bag of crap. Although I do love gummy bears and bubble stuff, the cheap puzzles are normally too difficult and I get mad. Great choice, Kiernan and Teddy! :-) XO! Susan

xtien said...

Thanks Susan. You just eliminated all my birthday gift ideas for you for this year.

Thanks a lot.


Wendy/Mom said...

I hate hate hate to admit it but ....the CD was not in fact my idea. It was TEDDY's parents idea so the kudos go to them. I, however, am solely responsible for the cockroach who climbs up walls. And I'm plenty proud of that addition to said goody bag. :)

xtien said...

The kids loved those freaking cockroaches.
