Saturday, January 22, 2011

Aunt Amy Appreciation Post of This Day

In going through my inbox yesterday and today I found about a thousand comments for recent posts from my awesome* and lovely sister-in-law, Amy. Amy consistently comments on the posts here with wit and feeling and appreciation, and I wanted to send a little bit of that back this morning. Learning to be a new mom, balancing that with work and the general responsibilities of being a great Significant Other...and still she takes the time to write up little comments. It's little things like this that are big to people like me and say so much about what a wonderful woman of character Amy is.

Also, this:

Aunt Amy is not afraid to trade snowballs with the best of them. I've put up some snowball related content recently, so I thought it appropriate to go back to our visit of April of 2009 to provide a little familial link to moments like this.

So, thanks Amy.  We love and miss you bunches. And we're thinking about you all the time.

*That's right, Rance. I said 'awesome'.


Travel Pig said...

She is indeed AWESOME. And I echo X's comments and appreciation!

Awesome Aunt Amy said...

What a surprise blog! Thank you! This warmed my heart and, naturally, brought tears to my eyes. What you don't know is how much I look forward to reading about Kiernan! One, because he's Kiernan and HE IS AWESOME. Two, because you write so well, Christien, and the updates are just so damn entertaining. But most recently (big number three) is that I am learning what to look out for and look forward to in raising my own son. And, I am encouraged. I just put him to bed a moment ago and am finally relaxing. I relax by reading about news from those I love guys. Thanks for the shout out, Christien. :) It means a lot and I love and appreciate you, too. xoxo

Susan said...

And thanks to all three of you for pointing out (without me bragging again) what wonderful daughters (and sons-in-law and grandsons) I have. I am SO, SO lucky! XO! M/S/G

Grance said...

I agree with all your comments - I just take exception to your adjective. There are so many great words in our vocabulary and the constant use of one which is perhaps best suited to the parting or red seas or my golf game...... ah, the heck with it. I give up. K, Amy and in fact all you kids are truly awesome, at least in my eyes and those of all with any discernment. There I said it. I even spelled the dang word. Corrupted at last. But loving you all.