Monday, January 10, 2011

Picture of This Day

Yep.  That's right.  We're living with a superhero.  With all that entails.

After school today Kiernan went home with his friend Oliver for a playdate.  The whole thing came together perfectly.  Oliver wanted a playdate.  His mom e-mailed us about said playdate days ago, suggesting Monday (today) as a good day for it.  I had to be downtown for a show today, and Wendy had several meetings.  So Oliver's mom--Gemma, who is so, so great--picked up the boys and took them home.

After fighting my way through traffic I arrived at the playdate house.  I made my way inside.  And this is what I found.  A superhero son.  So I've got that going for me.

Getting him out of that costume so we could go home and have superhero dinner and do some superhero homework...let me tell you, no mean feat.

Sherman Oaks, CA
January 10, 2011


Claire said...

Which makes YOU SuperHero DAD- who always trumps SuperHero Boy... Sad fact of life for superheros.

Grance said...

I agree that you should always avoid mean feet. Surly, smelly feet are bad enough. Or did you mean feet of clay? But then they wouldn't be superhero feet, would they? I'm confused...