Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Found Quotes for This Day

Every now and then I'll stumble across a little scrap of paper upon which I've written an idea or a quote, something I intended to log in one of my journals. Often these are Kiernan quotes. Things he said at bedtime or while eating dinner or while in the bathtub. When I find them I have little idea as to the context, and I consider tossing them. But I can't.

So here, with little context, are a couple of them.


I like to trip because it makes people distracted and I jump on them.

[I've considered this, and I think it took place during a playdate with his friends Jon and Matt. I think they were strategizing.]


Thanks for trying, but too bad your plot was foiled.

[This was definitely said to me. I was trying to trick him into doing something. I don't know what because this response was so hilarious I basically just dissolved.]

QUOTE (more accurately, DIALOGUE) 3:

Kiernan: I bet the other side of the world is just finishing breakfast.
Dad: How do you know that?
K: Because we're just finishing dinner.
D: Wow.
K: I don't know that. I'm just guessing that, Daddy.

[No context required. He just busts out with these types of things from time to time at dinner or in the car without preamble. I think this was a couple of years ago.]

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