Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Kiernan is playing soccer again, and it's going really well. A night-and-day difference from the last time he did rec league soccer a couple of years ago. This time he seems to be having fun and actually learning how to play soccer. He's into the games and practices much more, and really focusing on his skills. He also has a really good pair of coaches this time around, which is making a big difference too. It's great to see him taking to a sport like this.

I'm trying a couple new methods of making and uploading a slideshow, since the site I used to use is shutting down in the spring and in preparation of that has disabled the create-a-slideshow option.

Here's test method two.

Looks like number two wins for quality. Unfortunate, since I had to use a website for that whereas I created the first one using Windows Moviemaker on my computer. I'll keep messing with it. For now enjoy the action shots from last Saturday's game!

October 15, 2011


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a difference a year makes. Kiernan really looks agressive -- a real assertive athlete, right down to adjusting himself! :-) and XO!

Wendy/Mom said...

I loved loved loved the Kizoa slideshow (#2). You also need to do an update to all TCK subscribers that the Tigers won last week's game and KIERNAN HAD HIS FIRST GOAL EVER!!!!! YAY for my boy!!! :)
Love, Proud Momma
(appropriately my word verification word is "woots")