Monday, October 17, 2011

Goodnight Africa, Night 1

Today we took Wendy to the airport for her two-week trip to Africa. Tanzania, to be exact. She's going there to train some teachers and see a different world. We're very, very excited, of course. And we're also sad and full of concern, of course. We've never been away from her this long. We have no idea how much we'll get to be in contact with her during this time. It's an adventure for us all, to be sure.

So, in that spirit, I've decided to post a Goodnight Africa picture every night. Just a shot of Kiernan right before bed. One of our constants when Wendy travels is that we get on the phone at Kiernan's bedtime. This is important to all of us. Getting to say "I love you" and talk about the day even for a few moments. It's an important thing for all three of us, but it is an especially important thing for her when she's on the road. I know this first hand from the times I've been traveling. Getting to make that little bit of contact, right before he goes to's huge. I've had a couple of trips when I couldn't do this--my hiking/camping trips in Joshua Tree where there is no cell service whatsoever spring to mind--and I just went to bed feeling like a part of myself was missing.

I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that it won't be possible to extend this tradition to Wendy's Africa trip. I don't know if you people realize this, but Africa is a whole other continent. It's like on the other side of the world or something. It may even be winter there. Who can know?

In the interest of preserving the tradition, or at least a sliver of it, I'm going to post a bedtime image for each night. Hopefully his Mom will get to check these out during her travels, but even if she cannot, she'll be able to see them all when she returns, and know that each night we were wishing her sweet dreams right before our heads hit the pillow.

Keep in mind these will be quick shots, and they will be low quality and sometimes blurry since I refuse to use a flash even in low light because...well...blech. But it's the thought that counts, so no grousing!

Anyway, we put her on the plane at around 2pm, so she's probably about halfway there at this point. To say we're already missing her would be an understatement.

Good night and we love you.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Wendy/Mom said...

Thank you, my love!!!!! This means a lot. I have limited service at this hotel & probably nothing on the safari so this will be something to look forward to!! Asante (thank you)!!! Much love. Me

Grance said...

I am so happy you are doing this, since we have her and you both in our thoughts and wishes too. Love the even indirect contact, and the pictures are great!