Monday, April 04, 2011

Turning Gears

Today after I picked Kiernan up from school I let him play for an extra half-hour because his mom needed a little time at home. We worked on his room this weekend setting up some new shelves, and she wanted to surprise him with the finished product. So I let him play and then we headed over to Trader Joe's to get a few staples.

Once at the store I told him he could bring in a book if he wanted to. He didn't respond, so I repeated myself.

"You can bring in a book if you like. Or two."

"Nah. I just want to think."

Sometimes I look at him in the back seat and see him staring off into the distance. I'll ask if he's okay and he'll affirm that he is. He's just thinking. I find this fascinating. My little Einstein. New theories to explain our existence are percolating in there, I'm sure of it.

Fast-forward to dinner. Wendy was out for a birthday dinner with Renee, so it was a boys' night. We did a little homework and talked a bit about the school day, just enjoying each other's company. We fell into silence as Kiernan read one of his Bionicle chapter books and I wrote in my journal.  Reading is permitted if it's only two people at the dinner table.

Suddenly Kiernan burst out with a statement.

"You know that Calvin & Hobbes where Calvin says 'What's the difference between a garden slug and a two-inch long, living booger?'"

I'm surprised I don't have whiplash from the way I had jerked my head back and forth in reaction.


He repeated the question. Keep in mind, this came out of nowhere. Out of a delightful silence in which we were reading and quietly enjoying dinner. He was not reading a Calvin & Hobbes book at the time and frankly I can't remember the last time he was reading one. It was not a gentle observation either. It came out in full-bore excitement. That is to say, loudly.

"Um..." was my next response.

"Well," he continued. "I thought of a difference! A garden slug has two eyes up here." He gestured to the back of his head. "And a booger doesn't!"

Ah. Good point, my little Einstein.

1 comment:

Aunt Amy said...

Where do they keep this info in their little, developing brains??? You do realize, this blog is the best gift you could ever give to him EVER, don't you? I mean, he'll resent you at 18 but thank you profusely at 30. Again, you rock.