Friday, April 01, 2011

Fool's Advice

It is April Fool's Day and I'm at Kiernan's school for after school pickup, letting Kiernan play with his friends as I am wont to do. As they are wont to do, they have just taken a break from freeze tag, or cheese-touch tag, or zombie tag--whatever they're playing--to snack from their lunch bags. At one point I hear Kiernan's voice ring out.

"There's an insect!"

All of his friends look where he is pointing.

"April Fool's!" His voice is filled with glee.

His little friend Jana, a cool little girl for whom the word "spunky" was invented, corrects him.

"No. That's a made-you-look." She pauses for a second. "You have to fool people."

I don't have a transcript for what follows, sadly, but it is basically a breakdown of what does and does not constitute an April Fool's joke. Unfortunately, I cannot say consensus is reached.

Happy April Fool's Day. The above story is not an April Fool's prank. Or a made-you-look.

1 comment:

Aunt Amy said...

But it is fabulous. I can just picture myself as part of this very conversation years ago. I miss being a kid. I am going to try really hard though now not to comment on every single entry with my arbitrary reactions. Suffice it to say though, I LOVE this blog. It is just so fun!!! xo