Friday, April 29, 2011

Picture of This Day

Out and about with Nana on this day, we went to her favorite garden store to get a couple of plants and see a huge fish. I mentioned this fish in a PoTD from a visit last year, when we again went to Ken Matthews' Garden Center with my mom. This is one cool garden center nursery store place. Kiernan was reluctant to go to this place, as he is almost always reluctant to run any errand not involving buying him a Bionicle. But I kept mentioning the gigantic koi. He didn't recall until we drove up and parked.

"Oh! I remember this place!"

He loved seeing the fish, which you can see in the photo above. See that big whitish fish right at his elbow in the photo? The big fish is beyond that, and slightly orange, and about forty percent larger than that white fish. That white koi swims. The orange big one...he cruises.

April 29, 2011
Grafton, VA

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