Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Break from the Madness

After spending Saturday morning at his friend's birthday party--you'll hear about that tomorrow--Kiernan needed to unwind with an impromptu playdate with his nextdoor friend Raudel. They did their usual Bionicle battles, but at one point they took a break and Kiernan started reading to his friend from one of his magazines.

Kiernan loves getting magazines. He gets so excited when one arrives in the mail, and I find this so enlightening. I love getting magazines too, especially my Cook's Illustrated and Cook's Country, but sometimes I can view getting them as a chore. This is a weird thing to say, but some of the reading can be dense--I'm looking at you, New Yorker--and I'm a fairly slow reader. Kiernan's joy at getting a magazine in the mail is so pleasing to me. He gets a couple of them. One called Ask that was a gift from Renee. And the one he's reading above, National Geographic Kids, that was a gift from Nana and Pop.

I was cruising by the two boys, carrying laundry or something and not realizing they'd taken a reading break when I heard Kiernan read the following,

"Europe's six smallest countries could fit inside Rhode Island, with room to spare."

I love that my boy has this side to him. All these sides to him. Waging Bionicle war with his friends. Wrestling like a maniac. Pillow fighting. And taking a break to stimulate the mind.

Best kid ever.

1 comment:

Aunt Amy said...

Agreed. And though mine is not yet talking...he is in hot pursuit. ;)