Thursday, October 28, 2010

Picture For This Day

Last week Kiernan decided to wear some part of a costume every day.  The first day he picked out a huge green St. Patrick's Day hat.  Next was a gigantic red, white, and blue patriotic hat.  Day three was cape day, apparently.  In each instance he would wear the costume bit into school, bask in the attention, then hand over the costume bit to me as he lined up with his classmates.  I was proud of him for being responsible like that.  I was not so crazy about the fact that he'd insist I put the hat or whatever on, no matter how much doing so amused him and all his little friends.

He's having a blast with Halloween this year.  He was so excited when we got out the decorations and jumped right into dressing up the house with Wendy.  He wanted all the costumes from the costume box to be housed in his room so he could get into a costume whenever, and that weekend when he had the twins, Jon and Matt, over for a playdate he wanted it to be a costume playdate.  Wherever we go he comments on the decorations and loves to pretend to be afraid of ghosts and ghouls hanging up in grocery stores.  For a kid who is so quick to turn off a movie or TV show when it gets the least bit scary, he sure is embracing this holiday.

I find this beyond cool, because it's making this Halloween all the more exciting for me.

October 20, 2010


Grance said...

What a great series of posts (I have to say it that way since we've been traveling so much we haven't been able to keep up with them in a timely manner). I was struck by how mature his decisions seem, particularly when it comes to costumes. Orange is fine, and who ever gets enough cape time? Love it!

xtien said...

I'm glad you said that, Rance. Now I'm not afraid to say this: I'd be up for wearing capes more often.

There. I said it.


Aunt Amy said...

This is so funny. He must be having a blast! Good for you for letting him express his fun/creative side. He is adorable. And about you and the capes? I knew it. I just knew it. :)