Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Picture For This Day: Stuff I Missed from 2010 Edition

Today's project involves me going through hundreds of picture files so I can print out a bunch of pictures from a list given to me by my loving wife and child.  On Friday Kiernan is to present his "Me Bag" in school, and in addition to the paraphernalia that goes in the bag that will declare who he is, the outside of the bag is to be adorned with all manner of photos.  Since I'm the family archivist, apparently, hunting down the pictures falls to me.  Furthermore, as Wendy's printer (which is much newer than mine) steadfastly refuses to print pictures properly, the printing falls to me as well.  I'll just say this...Wendy claims she doesn't understand why her printer won't print pictures.  But she knows.  Oh yes...she knows.

At any rate, as I go through these hundreds of files I will find stuff I forgot to put up this year.  Stuff that I'm sure I meant to get to.  The above shot is from our January trip to San Diego, thanks to a gift from Gammy and Grance.  We got to visit the Wild Animal Park and had a delightful time.

On our way out, Wendy and Kiernan hid behind a rhino.  Like ya do.

The final shot of this post is from the trip back home from San Diego, when we stopped in one of our favorite places, San Clemente, for lunch.

I'm not a fan of posting pictures of myself here, to be honest.  But a certain reader of this blog, we'll call him Pap-Pap, has requested I do so.  And so now I have.

San Diego & San Clemente, CA
January 10, 2010


Grance said...

Hey, I said it too! I love seeing your pictures in there. And when do we get to see "she who now (again) wears braces"?

Great shots and I'm glad you're reviewing the past. And we're happy our present worked out (my choices usually are bad!)

xtien said...

Ah! Well said. You have suggested that before. Apparently it took at least two of you Dad Dudes for it to take.

However, I totally reject the idea that your choices are usually bad. Absolutely reject it. You pick great gifts. You're the best.

Um...what's next month again?
