Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Daily Grance

Over Thanksgiving, Grance and Gammy were here and Grance took this time to teach Kiernan how to read the paper. Sadly it was the Los Angeles Daily News they were reading together, and that's a terrible paper, but I suppose you need to start somewhere. It was nice to see Kiernan having such a nice time with Grance, although it was a bit disturbing to wake up to a five-year-old talking about settlements on the West Bank.

But it wasn't all news. Grance also did his level best to get Kiernan interested in some football. Better Grance do it than I do it, since I can't really watch a football game that isn't Tivo'd. I have to be able to fast-forward through the boring stuff, which is roughly 90% of any football game. The plus side of this is that I can watch a football game in about half an hour. But a little boy should not learn to watch football in this way. So, hat tip to Grance.

Lest you come to think that all Grance does is sit in a chair, allow me to disabuse you of that impression. One of the coolest things Grance and Kiernan did was go for a daily walk to a nearby park, a park I like to call Park Omar. I did not get any pics of those outings, so here's a picture of them walking at a shopping center.

I got this shot after we had lunch at a new place in town, a place I went with my dad when he was here called Roladin. It's a new bakery/cafe and it's quite good. Alas, I was the only one of the five of us who really cared for it (and Rance straight up hated it...ACK!). Great sandwiches. Amazing bread. Very good espresso.

After lunch Wendy and her mom just had to go to the dollar store down the way. None of us boys could stomach that, so we hung out outside. Grance and Kiernan made a circuit of the shopping center so that Kiernan could walk on the planter walls.

1 comment:

Grance said...

You know, these are some of my favorite memories too! I can't tell you how wonderful it was to explain smuggling to Kiernan and watch Mommy and Daddy recoil in horror when he told them he wanted to smuggle guinea pig into school! He really is quite gifted in other ways, like wall walking and making friends at the park, so the pleasure was very much mine too. thank you so much for giving me all that time with him!