Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pajama Day

Last Monday was Pajama Day at Kindergarten. Here's a slideshow of pictures taken right after school.

Kiernan and his friend Oliver hang out, as usual, combining their two favorite things. Dinosaurs and reading. Make that their three favorite things: dinosaurs, reading, and playing together.

Oliver had brought this dinosaur book to school. He was clearly excited to share it with Kiernan, and Kiernan responded in kind as he had read the book at a bookstore some time before. They ended up reading the book together and quizzing each other on which dinosaur was coming up next.

They get so excited about books. They truly love learning, and they don't even really know it.

I love it.


Incredulous said...

What's next? Toga Day??!? This is why California is falling apart...incredible. -Charlie M. in Virginia, former California citizen.

Mom/wendy said...

Does Charlie realize (a) that Kiernan is in kindergarten & (b) that the class was doing a reading based on pjs so wearing pjs was related to the literature?

xtien said...

Actually, what Charlie doesn't realize is that all of California basically blames him for its decline. It's gone downhill since he left. Clearly, he is to blame.

Grance said...

I don't know Charlie, but if I did I would be tempted to say his moving from CA to VA raised the average IQ of both states! Old, bad joke. Love the pj day reading - great to have friends like K & Oliver. Can't wait to see you all.

I Resemble That Remark said...

O.k., o.k., Kiernan looks adorable, I just didn't know how to say it the right way. Can't believe you misinterpreted my comment. And I meant California falling apart solely in a good way. All I know is, that little peanut is growing up too fast! Miss you guys, and we miss Cali! peace out, thanks for keeping this great blog, it's always funny, quirky and heartwarming...

xtien said...

And Cali* misses you too. As do we.


*I assume you mean our cat.